
Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Piggy A - Z. D is for Dandelion.

We expect that you are all familiar with dandelions. Our Slave grows them for us in her garden. Here is a photo of some growing in her herb garden.
Most gardeners would consider them weeds but our Slave scatters the seed heads around to ensure that there are always plenty for us to eat. She also brings them home from clients' gardens.

Here is a bunch that she has picked.

They wilt very quickly but when there are guinea pigs around, this is not a problem.

Here is Roisin Piggyfriend enjoying a flower.
And then a leaf.
Gandalf ( Agent Wizard ) loves dandelions.
And so does his best friend, Tyrion.
Our dandelions are very safe to eat as our Slave never uses any chemicals in her garden but if your Slave picks them make sure that they have not been sprayed with anything nasty.

We wish that we could have them all year round but, in England, they are only available from Spring to Autumn so we make the most of them whilst we can.

Do you like Dandelions? Do you have a piggy whose name begins with D for our A - Z? If so, we'd love to see a pigture and a story. Click on Contribute at the top of our page and follow the very easy instructions.


  1. So we can eat the whole dandelion, except maybe for the roots...? Slave was wondering about that. She also tries to grow them for us, there are some in the bit of grass before our house, no cars come into our street (usually) because we are in a no-cars-allowed street. There are also 2 in pots of our slaves' 'Garden' (we only have a balcony and a roof terrace, so no proper garden....

    The Guinygirlz: Peaches, Tijger and Raani and boar Berke

  2. Leaves, stems and flowers - all are great for us piggies. Leave the roots alone to grow more leaves. Save one of the seed heads ( we call them dandelion clocks ) and scatter them in more pots and you will have more leaves for your little ones. Dandelions like lots of moisture and grow bigger in the shade.
