
Saturday, April 9, 2016

New Piggyfriends

All the Piggyfriend Agents thought that we should introduce some new piggies that have been rehomed here at Piggyfriends.

Louis and Henri came here last month. They are older piggies, thought to be around four and a half years old and were left at Palace Piggies Rescue in West Sussex by their owner, who could not take her pets to her new home.

Here they are in their new pen. Louis is at the front.

Here is another pigture of the brothers. Slave nearly always calls them Henry and Lewis but they don't care as long as the veggies arrive on time.  Louis is on the right. He has more white in his coat.
Louis was having trouble eating so our Slave took him back to Palace Piggies to see Lyn, who is a rodentologist so can do dental work without an anaesthetic. She clipped a little piece from his molars and now he is eating up really well and making up for lost time.

When Slave was there, she looked at the piggies for rehoming and brought home two more, Mimi and Lulu. They are little girls about 6 months old and are part Abyssinian part who knows what! They were taken to the rescue because they belonged to a girl who left home and her mother did not want to care for them.

This is Mimi.
And here she is again. She has a black and brown face.

We can tell them apart because, Lulu, in the next pigture has a black face. They are sisters.

They are not used to posing for photos yet and Lulu was more interested in climbing up the back of the sofa. They will soon learn as Slave is always after us with her camera.

Welcome home Henri, Louis, Mimi and Lulu. We love you all.


  1. Bonjour Henri et Louis, welcome to your new home!
    Lulu and mimi, you look a bit like our Tijger who is also an abby (she is an abby and rex mix) and had a black and brown face like mimi.

    Welcome you are now at a great forever home. Enjoy your time at the piggyfriends!

  2. big welcome to every new piggy friend. such lucky piggies to find their way to your home. hugs to all.

  3. New Piggyfriends12 April, 2016 19:39

    Thank you everyone! We are going to enjoy participating in this blog.

  4. So cute! Thank you sharing the pigtures!

  5. Ellen Garrison14 April, 2016 07:34

    Wonderful! They are beautiful!
    Thank you, Penny, and Everyone!
