
Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Pigmas!

Merry Pigmas from Agent Yougie, Apollo, and Dmitri!


  1. Merry Pigmas to you too Agents. What smart pigtures!

    Our Slave collects piggy banks and wants to know where you bought yours. We told her that she won't be able to buy one here in England but she is drooling so we thought that we would ask anyway.

  2. Thanks Penny! The piggy bank came from Target a few years ago. It was too cute not to buy. :)

  3. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends01 January, 2016 17:12

    Thanks Jocelyn. We do not have Target stores here in England and, even if we did, they would be unlikely to still have them in stock. I am always on the lookout for new piggybanks so maybe one day.........
