
Monday, November 2, 2015

A Piggy A-Z - A for Abyssinian

Here are two more Abyssinians for our "A".

These two are Roisin and Niamh, two little sisters who were the result of an accident when someone's prizewinning Peruvian and Abby got together by mistake so they came to live at Piggyfriends.

This is Roisin as a baby. You pronouce it Roshin.

And this is Niamh, pronounced Neeve.

And here we are all grown up. Abyssinians have rough coats, which stand up in rosettes, neatly arranged all over their body but as we two girls are only half Abyssinian, we would not win any prizes. Our Slave says that here at Piggyfriends all piggies are prizewinners! Abbies are usually smaller than the average piggy and are extroverts and we are no exception, bouncing around our pen and always shouting for food.

Niamh likes this pigture of herself as it shows her nice whiskers and, as you can see, we love to tear up cardboard boxes.


  1. You are some gorgeous guineas! Thanks for stopping by to say hi!

    1. Roisin and Niamh Piggyfriend03 November, 2015 00:41

      Thank you Lora!

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs07 November, 2015 15:57

    There really is nothing cuter than a baby piggy! And you girls have grown up to be such beauties --- very unique coats!
