
Sunday, August 9, 2015

I am 6!

Hello everypig and every Slave. Dorian Piggyfriend here ( aka Agent Silver Streak retired ).

It is my birthday and I am 6!

Instead of birthday candles, I have 6 cucumbers! Don't worry, I am not going to eat them all myself. I will share them with the rest of the Piggyfriends, two of whom you can just see behind me in the photo. Susie is watching me from the front of her pen and Rafferty is asleep in the corner of his. I expect that Susie wants my lettuce as this is her favourite veggie.

Observant readers will notice that my cucumbers still have their wrappers and if I were to nibble the plastic film it would be dangerous so I suspect that is why Slave gave me this lettuce to keep me away from it whilst she took my photo. She didn't want to unwrap all the cucumbers at once as they will keep better when wrapped up. Not that they need to keep long with all these hungry piggies.

I have been a Piggyfriend since I was a tiny piglet and I don't remember any other life. Now I have piglets living next door as the Dangermice ( Casper and Cosmo ) are in the next pen and they are growing fast. They will soon be as big as me as I am not a large piggy. I have a touch of arthritis in my back legs but Slave gives me Potter's Tabritis and this helps a lot. For any Slaves trying to buy this for their piggies, the name has changed to Potter's Joint Pain Relief. My Slave had trouble buying this recently but Mr. Slave found some in a tiny herbal shop in a nearby town. I don't know why it should be hard to find as it is so good. Half a tablet a day keeps me going and it is yummy too.

You might like to see an out-take. Here it is. Slave didn't need to take 10 photos when she chose the first one anyway! I got bored and wandered off to talk to Rafferty.


  1. Happy Birthday Silver Streak, I am now 6 years 4 months old and like you I love my Potters tablet mind you I love anything in a syringe which pleases Mummy as I am so easy to give medicine to

    1. Agent Silver Streak ( retired )09 August, 2015 18:12

      Thank you Agent Ghost!

  2. Happig 6th birthday Agent Silver Streak!
    Sending lots of nose rubs and tummy kisses.
    Your birthday treat looks delicious. This also how our continental cucumber comes in OZ.
    love Glynis and Charlie xxxxxx

    1. Agent Silver Streak ( retired )10 August, 2015 18:03

      Thank you Glynis and Charlie! Slave can't grow enough cucumbers to meet our needs but these are very good.

  3. Happy 6th birthday, handsome boy! Purdy Piggy in CT is six years old this month as well, and I (Mom) have started giving her Oxbow Joint Support tabs in hopes of avoiding another bout with arthritis (it was hard to watch Dart and Tessie suffer with it, but your mommy's advice was SO helpful!).

    Love, Ann & Purdy in CT

    1. Agent Silver Streak ( retired )10 August, 2015 18:07

      Happy Birthday Purdy Piggy. We all hope that the Oxbow tablets are as good as Potter's Tabritis and that you will feel the benefit.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes. Maybe Purdy Piggy could send us a pigture?

  4. Happy belated birthday Dorian! Btw, what are you retired from?

    1. Sorry for the delay in replying. I decided that I was getting a bit old to be an Undercover Piggy what with all the running around so I have retired and now just give advice to the younger agents.
