
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Piggy Snap : Smooth Coated Piggies

"Hey you two", says Dorian. "Aunty Mieke is asking for pigtures of smooth coated piggies for the blog. " I was in the original Piggy Snap. Can you sit still for a photoshoot?"

" I can," says Cosmo, " OK, it took a bit of effort on the part of Slave and her son but look at my photo. If we are going to be Agents Dangermice when we grow up, we have got to learn to sit still for passport photos."

" Well that was a bit of a failure, Casper," says Cosmo." You can't have your pigture taken if you disappear up the back of the sofa but I suppose that this one of you in our pen will have to do. What do you think, Dorian?"

" I think that I would like to send in my pigture too," says Dorian. " I am a smooth coated piggy after all. Well done little Dangermice. I didn't always sit still when I was little."

Dorian is Agent Silver Streak ( retired ) but always willing to help out in an emergency.

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