
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Another smooth-haired piggy!

Meet our sleeping beauty Tyson Stanley, he is now the ruling boar of the Gekke Flappies household and has no less then 2 gorgeous sows.
That he even has the time to take a nap...

If you also have a smooth-haired piggy that would like to be in our card game, please keep sending them in! We will soon start a new type of hair/coat...


  1. A big Piggyfriend welcome to Tyson Stanley. What a handsome boar you are!

    Otto says that he is not surprised that you need a nap with two sows to care for as he has three.....

    1. (Tyson Stanley): Thank you Piggyfriends. It was hard to replace Jimmy but I think I did very well. It were a few difficult months from december 2014 till march 2015 for our slaves. First they lost Pepper and then Jimmy. But since I have settled in with Fifi and Mini it's all good. But ofcourse we never forget the other Gekke Flappies.

    2. We always loved to try and solve Jimmy's mysteries even though we seldom got them right. He was so good at them.

      We guess that you will not be following on with this tradition, Tyson Stanley.

      Our Slave guesses that your Slaves are fans of Battlestar Galactica as well as Led Zeppelin but maybe your name has a different source.
