
Monday, June 1, 2015

We have two new Piggyfriends!

All the Piggyfriend Agents plus those who are not would like to introduce our newest arrivals. Slave has told us how much trouble she has had sharing this photo with our friends on the GPDD so we thought that we would help her out by posting their pigture here.

These little fellows came to us from Palace Piggies, whom you may remember being the recipient of the profits from our Undercover Piggies calendar a couple of years ago.

They are called Cosmo and Casper and we think that Cosmo is on the left. They were very nervous when they arrived but they are learning to get excited when the veggies arrive so we
hope that they will grow up to be agents when they are bigger.


  1. Welcome Cosmo and Casper,
    As slave said before you do look like two white mice, but we are sure you will grow into nice, round and eggplant shaped agents.
    Happy munching...

    The guinygirlz: Roos, Peaches and Tijger and boar BĂ©rke

  2. Welcome Cosmo and Casper! You both look very snuggly in there.

  3. adorable. So glad we get to see their photo. I too couldnt get the other site to open on my computer. Big Big welcome to you to darlings.

  4. Pat and the Prairie Pigs02 June, 2015 21:53

    Oh my goodness! Those little guys are just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Welcome to the Piggyfriends and to the world of Undercover Guinea Pigs, boys! Your life is going to be fabulous from now on,,,

  5. Cosmo and Casper Piggyfriend04 June, 2015 11:03

    Thank you everyone! We are going to eat as much as we can so that we grow up to be super Agents. We have grown a bit already but we have a long way to go. We want to be Agents Dangermice.

    More veggies please!

  6. Great agent name munch up time wol

  7. They make an adorable pair. Welcome Cosmo and Casper!
