
Friday, May 1, 2015

No Mayflowers, no Friday video, what is the world coming to?

Agent Flower reporting.

Every year, our Slave picks one of us girls to be May Queen and she gathers mayflowers from the garden and makes a pretty pigture.

Spring was cold and late this year and, although she has searched diligently for the appropriate blossom, she has been unable to find any.

I was going to be May Queen this year and I am so disappointed. Here is our pigture from last year, when, as you can see, Florence was surrounded by mayflowers. This is not fair. ...grumble...grumble.

We do not have a Friday video today but we thought that baby Tijger's video of her learning tricks was so good that it deserves a second look. Slave has watched it over and over and we hope it is not giving her ideas. None of us are young enough to learn tricks.

Here is the link. Do watch it again.

Slave is going to collect newspapers tomorrow from a kind lady who saves them for our pens. She has hawthorn in her garden ( mayflowers are the blossom from this tree ) and maybe she has some for me. Paws crossed.


  1. Hi Agent Flower,
    you sound a bit like a spoiled (photo) model not getting her spot in the spotlight, but I am sure your time will come and mayflowers will arrive for you to pose with! Nature can't be controlled, I hope for you they start blooming soon! And waiting anxiously for your gorgeous photo... also I kind of forgot which one of the many piggyfriends is Agent Flower, so really curious to see your pretty face as well.

    Slave Mikey

  2. We love your tradition of a May Queen and we would like to nominate Agent Barbie to be the May Princess with his long blonde hair WOL we are now rolling on the floor laughing at this idea

  3. Pat and the Prairie Pigs05 May, 2015 01:00

    We've had that sort of spring here, too, but our shrubs and trees are just bursting into bloom right now so we are keeping a good thought that your slave will be able to find some mayflowers and Agent Flower will be able to begin her reign as May Queen just a bit delayed.
    Also, that video of baby Tijger spinning is definitely worth an extra look... What a smart little girl she is --- she is going to a handful when she gets a little bigger!
