
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Agent Confetti

I, Agent Confetti, have just returned from my first mission, which took me to <edited>.  I brought back this treat for my mom and dad.


  1. Wow agent Confetti, that is a real speciality from our country. We used to send them to auntie stefanie of the Surrey squeakers, but now they can buy them in england. They liked it so much they even named one of their piggies Stroopwafel!
    Agents Tortoise, Brave Sir Robin and agents in training Peaches and Tijger

  2. Yum yum. Lucky mom and dad. Our Slave loves Stroopwafels.

  3. The Surrey Squeakers27 May, 2015 22:02

    We all like Stroopwafels and yes, there used to be a Squeaker called Stroopwafel. Well done Agent Confetti! (We love your Agent name)

  4. I love stroopies!! Nice job Agent!
