
Monday, March 2, 2015

Just a pretty pigture

I haven't been able to post any special pigtures lately whilst I am recuperating but our son, the pigsitter, came down to visit for the weekend and he took a few pigtures. I thought you might like to see one so here are Agents 88, Mouse and Mystery enjoying a snack. Aka Lola, Angelina and Otto Piggyfriend. Otto poses no mystery at the moment as he had a haircut and we can see his dear little face again.


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs04 March, 2015 16:12

    What a wonderful family you have ! I'm sure the Piggyfriends are missing all of the hands-on care they usually get from you, but it doesn't look as if they are wanting for much else. If my piggies see this pigture, they are going to want fresh grass and the crossword puzzle section of the newspaper every morning too!

    Hope your recovery is proceeding well and you're back down there snuggling those Piggyfriends very soon ---

    1. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends04 March, 2015 18:52

      Thank you Pat! I don't think that the piggies notice the difference as long as they get clean homes and fresh grass but it is very frustrating not to be allowed to get down on the floor and pick them up.

      Recovery is going as planned and by next month, I hope to be allowed to kneel down again and take over all the piggy care.

  2. Aaw, so cute! Agent mouse has really similar coloring to our Agent lil'woop.
    Lotte or (and?) Lola look a lot like our Peaches, do they also have a darker skin underneath the hair? We have never had that in our light colored piggies...
    Hugs to your slave!

    The guinygirlz and BĂ©rke

    1. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends04 March, 2015 18:54

      Lotte was out of the pigture but both she and Lola have very pale skin under their coats.

      Hugs gratefully received!

  3. I hope you heal quickly. Sweet photo. :)

    1. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends05 March, 2015 20:16

      Thank you Linda!
