
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Preparation for Calendar 2015 and new topic: Piggie breeds?

Hi all,

As it is already October, it is time to start gathering photos again for the calendar of 2015.

As always I will collect photos of your guinea pigs. By sending me the pigtures you allow us to use it in the calendar, and on the blog for calendar related posts.
The proceedings will be donated to a guinea pig shelter somewhere in the world, which you can nominate and vote for.

This year I would like to try a slightly different format. Before, we let people send in pigtures of their piggies, and every (group of) piggie(s) would get their own month.
For the upcoming year I would like to give all months a piggy breed theme: so for example one month for short/smooth-haired, one for abyssinians, one for rexes, one for US/CH teddies, one for crested, longhaired piggies and so on. I am not sure we can actually find 12 different breeds but I think we can also fill 2 months for some breeds...

Every month we can have a different breed, that will be discussed on the blog. So describing what the traits of a breed are, and other interesting information about that breed. Maybe we could also have a look at the different colorings?

For both gathering pigtures and more information about the different breeds I will need you help!
So what do you think, are we up for this?

Up to now I have always used Vistaprint for the calendars, because they have offices on all continents it seems, which reduces the shipping costs. I have not really found a better candidate yet, but if you have good suggestions for a company like Vistaprint, let me know.

So assuming we will do the next calendar is a Piggy breeds format, I made a list of what breeds I could think of. Please add a comment if you have piggies in those or other breeds and you can provide pigtures of your current or late piggies.

Happy wheeking,

Guinea Pig Breeds (I could think of)
- Short / Smooth -haired
- Abyssinian
- Peruvian
- Rex
- US / CH Teddies
- Texel
- Alpaca
- Coronet
- Crested
- Merino
- Hairless: Skinny and Baldwin
- Ridgeback

I used this video for some inspiration


  1. We like the idea but wouldn't it take you a lot of time to make this? Ofcourse Jimmy will send his pigture for the Peruvian month and Pepper for the Sheltie month. So mabye we can add a 13th month :-)

    1. Ah, we missed the obvious Sheltie! Yeah, it takes work, but it always does. I think it won't take more time than before...

  2. The list is endless if you take colorings in account.

    Does anyone have a name for the mix-pigs that don't go anywhere (in my opinion these piggies are the best ;-))

  3. I like that idea :) I have smooth hair and sheltie, an abby but she doesn't photograph well (she's my wild child and she's also pitch black) but there are some gorgeous abby's out there. One of my favorites to see!

  4. Sorry, I will not make the calender for 2015. We could still do posts about the different piggy breeds.
