
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chaos at Piggyfriends Episode 5. Demolition!

"Hey, Rafferty," says Bosworth. "As soon as we are dry,
 shall we sneak outside and see what's going 
on with our pigroom? Hey Rafferty! Oi!  
Am I talking to the right end? I don't know. 
You are as bad as Agent Zeppelin!"

"Look, Bosworth," says Rafferty. "There are men on our roof!
What are they doing there?" " Ooh look! I can see the reflection
 of Slave's greenhouse in the window." says Bosworth.

" Those men might see our reflection too, " say the boys,
" Let's hide behind that pile of bricks."

The boys peep out from behind the bricks and.........
" Help! The roof has gone," says Rafferty.
" And the windows too," replies Bosworth,
" and that radiator is not going to be much use anymore."
" The man is using his phone, Rafferty.
He won't see us if we creep back inside."

" Gather round and listen everypig," 
says Bosworth.
 " Our room has been demolished! " 
 Piggyfriend Chorus of " Oh, no!" 
" What shall we do." " Eeek!!"

"Calm down," says Bosworth,
" I am sure that Slave has all this in hand." least I hope so.


  1. we love seeing what is going on at Piggyfriends keep up the spying

  2. [Jimmy]: I'm mentioned in this story * looks proud *

  3. awwwwwwwww good work agents!
