
Monday, August 18, 2014

Chaos at Piggyfriends Episode 3. Piggies getting messy.

" The girls have been gone a long time,"
says Gandalf.  " I'll go and look for them
when we've finished lunch,"
replies Tyrion.
" You can come out now, girls" says Tyrion.
"The man has gone to have his lunch.
Don't stay out here too long. It's very messy."
"Ooh, He's left some tools on the floor.
They look interesting. Take a photo, Lola."

" I'm hungry." says Lola. "Is that a carrot?
Oh......maybe not."
" I've found a cucumber" says Florence.
" Can I share?" asks Lola. 
"As you can see, Florence is busy eating
right now." says Lola. " So we'll report back
later. Tyrion is right. It is very messy out here.
We'll be needing a bath."

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwwwww such sweet piggies doing undercover work! Keep up the good work girls
