
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Taking pictures

I guess all of you have tried to take pigtures of their piggies doing cute things... (Or am I the only crazy lady who does that?!?)
As most of you know Bérke is a new addition to our herd. He is about Roos her age and they seem to get along pretty well. They both love to do zoomies around the cage when new fresh hay is on the way. And Roos loves climbing on things, and I think she taught Bérke how to do this.

So there I was looking at the cage and I saw that Bérke was on the doll bed they have for the first time (to my knowledge). So obviously I wanted to take a pigture of him up there. This is what I got...
... an empty bed, Bérke had just jumped of the bed
It's too bad there is not a little leg still visible of him scurrying out of view. But later that evening, when it was getting darking, so unfortunately the quality is not that good, I found Bérke on the bed again...
ah, he likes to munch the hay up there
And I even got a pigture of him on the bed through the side, which is quite exceptional, as usually he runs away when I try to take pigtures of him. He can be scared quite easily and is also a master of making noise! At first we thought it was the girls showing their discomfort to Bérke chasing them all the time. But no, guess again, it is Bérke making all that noise.
Posing like a pro...
Do your pigs like to pose or do they run from the camera as well?

Mieke, slave the Guinygirlz and Bérke


  1. Piggyfriends' Slave20 May, 2014 21:14

    I take loads ( and loads ) of pigtures. Many of my herd like to ham it up in front of the camera, others need to be bribed with veggies to keep them still and some are off before I can click the shutter so I have taken many shots with no pig in them.

    I tried to take a shot of sleeping piggies, as requested for the blog, one day last week. The piggies in question were sound asleep but the moment that I held up my camera in front of them, they were awake and gone behind their sleeping box. I though that I was quietly creeping up on them but those little piggy ears heard me coming.

    I love the pigtures of Berke.

  2. I am often sneaking up on my pigs to try and get a cute photo. I hate using the flash, so I often get the grainy, blurry photos like yours. So difficult capturing the cute in good light!

  3. I'm always trying but it's really hard to get Jimmy on a pigture with all his long hair.
