
Monday, May 5, 2014

May Queen

The first Monday in May is a holiday in England and is called May Day.
Years ago, people would gather May blossoms and a May Queen would be chosen from each village. Children would dance around a Maypole - a tall pole festooned with ribbons. No doubt festivies ensued which would have included a lot of fun and drinking. Now it is just a day off work.
Our May Queen is Agent Firenze aka Florence.
She was chosen as she was guaranteed to sit still for a photo but Slave did not expect her to gorge herself on May leaves instead of facing the camera!  Don't worry readers, May is safe to eat. When Slave was a little girl, she and her friends used to eat May leaves and called it the bread and cheese tree. She tried some just now and thinks that tastes change with age as she could not pick out the flavour that she remembers from her youth.
May is also caled Hawthorn.
Happy May Day from the Piggyfriends.


  1. What a beautiful May Queen

  2. Aaw, she looks gorgeous, hope you all had a good bank holiday in the UK

  3. awwwwwwwwwwww such a sweet sweet girl. For may day here in the US we put flowers in a basket and hang the basket on a front door and ring the door bell and run!!! its fun to see how many May basket s you get:)
    My children when they were little loved May Day!!!

  4. Agent Firenze09 May, 2014 19:48

    Thanks for the nice comments, kind readers!
