
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Woopy: I turned 6 today!

Today was my 6th birthday, a milestone for me but also for my slaves, as I am now officially the oldest guinea pig they have ever owned!
Veggies and carrot beer all around...
Slave holding me as a 4 day old piggie
lil'woop - house - Dunya

With my old herd members Guiny and Dunya

This is how to use a house, right?
Me at one year old
Love, Woopy


  1. Happy Birthday Darling Lil Woop, hope you got the roses xxxx

  2. Penny and the Piggyfriends17 April, 2014 10:50

    Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, dear Woopy, with lots of treats.


  3. Happy Birthday! Six years old is a great age!

  4. oh little Woopy happy happy happy happy happy happy birhtday!! notice the 6 happys:)
    congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and many many more!

  5. The Surrey Squeakers17 April, 2014 23:50

    Happy 6th Birthday Woopy! All the Squeakers hope you have a lovely celebration. Our newest herd member, Sudoku, says you are just a youngster! (She is six and a half)

  6. Happy birthday Woopy! You were adorable as a tiny pup and are just as gorgeous now. Wishing you many hugs and treats.

  7. Ann in CT, USA18 April, 2014 19:32

    So happy for Woopy and her family for Woopy reaching the grand, old age of six years! Such a teeny baby, and sweet-looking senior citizen! Congratulations, and have a fun, delicious day and happy, healthy year!

    Ann & Purdy Piggy in CT

    Ann & Purdy Piggy in CT

  8. A very, very happy birthday to Woopy! With love from Luita and the Berlin Piggies, Jonas and Emilie
