
Thursday, April 10, 2014

RIP Sjeuf

We get writer's block when one of our herd goes to the rainbow bridge. We absolutely hate it when it happens and prefer to sulk quietly in a corner and blink away a few tears. Then we move on, every now and then enjoying the memories we have. We are not good at writing long memorials, even though every pig who lived with us fully deserves one.

This is why we are so late in telling you guys that our Sjeuf passed away on Christmas morning. J found him face down in the cage. We are still not sure what happened.

Sjeuf, we love you and miss you. Happy popcorning at the bridge and say hi to our friends from us.

Shy boy

Rest in peace, sweetie

Coco, Bo and Janneke


  1. Dear Janneke, Coco and Bo,

    We realised that Sjeuf had left for the Rainbow Bridge from reading the blog. We understand how reticent you are to write a long epitaph. Our Slave always used to put one on the GPDD but, with a herd as large as ours, writing these memorials too frequently was bound to be upsetting to all the readers.

    Now she just sulks in a corner just like your Slave but, with so many hungry mouths to feed, she has to get on with Slavedom.

    Once again, our condolences on the loss of your handsome boy.

    Hoping a new friend will cheer you all up. Lots of hugs from us all.

  2. Awww.. you always know what to say, piggyfriends and slave.
    Big hug from all of us

  3. Run free Sjeuf with all your friends at the rainbow bridge we know you are reunited and getting up to all sorts of mischief.

    J, Bo and Coco we send you big hugs and piggy nose rubs xxxxx

  4. [Pepper]: Mis you sweety xx
    [Jimmy]: Hé kerel, het is erg rustig zonder jou, mis de gesprekken die we hadden en natuurlijk het samen drinken wortelbiertjes. Ik let wel goed op je meisje.

  5. The Surrey Squeakers12 April, 2014 23:35

    Dear Janneke, Coco and Bo

    We were so sorry to hear about Sjeuf. It must have been even worse at Christmas. That happened to us once, so we are told. One of the two original Squeakers (Turbo) loved her food so much that she was ALWAYS eating. One Christmas morning our Slave found her lifeless with her head in the food bowl. It was a fitting way to go, but much sadder because our Slave was expecting a happy day.

    Hugs to you all. We are sure Sjeuf will be enjoying green pastures and meeting old friends at The Bridge.

    Love from The Surrey Squeakers xxxx

    P.S. Does Sjeuf mean something in Dutch or is it just a cute name?

  6. Jean (Misfits)13 April, 2014 04:00

    So sorry to read of your loss of your sweet Sjeuf. I know how upsetting it is to lose a piggy to no known sickness or warning. Its a shock. So sorry that you found him on Christmas morning . Sending many hugs to you. would love to hear his story when you feel up to it. Like Penny I stopped writing each piggies story that we lose here at Misfits. I write them in a special book I have here in my drawer. each pig is loved beyond words.
    as you know there is no other love like piggy love. Its the best love out there.
