
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

No more piggy in the window - Lily

As some of you might know my Lily has been loosing weight lately.
Our vet was at a loss what could be causing this, only thing she found was a soft mass in Lily's tummy. She suggested an ultrasound to check it out, but wanted a good radiologist, because she wasn't sure she could tell what she was looking at...

So this morning we had an appointment at the vet in the middle of the country, this was at the university where animal medicine is taught.
However yesterday evening Lily started to show signs of distress. Her tummy was massive, seemed swollen with gas but the usual oil treatment did not make it better. She also refused to eat at some point...

I really hoped she would make it through the night so I could get her to the vet in the morning. She did make it and I told her to stay with me until we reached the vet, which was an hours drive.
She made it there and she was seen be a really nice vet and vet in training.

They felt a mass in her tummy, and suggested to do an ultrasound.
The results we're not good she had air in her belly cavity, so no longer just in her bowels... Which means more than just air could leave her bowels, like bacteria... And a big mass about 3 by 4 centimeters was visible near her liver.

There were two options either put her to sleep or try to operate with little chance of success. The latter did not sound appealing, at that point she was really in pain and if the tumor mass was bad it could have spread, depending on where the mass was exactly they might not be able to remove it, and of course there is the risk of anesthesia for even a healthy guinea pig. And lily wasn't healthy anymore.
So we chose for the option to have her put to sleep, which was a hard one...

As they are a teaching hospital the vet wanted to check what was wrong.
Turned out she had a big mass in and around her bowels, which also stuck to her belly, there was pus and poop in the cavity and internal bleedings already. She was in a much worse state as we and the vet would have expected, especially as she was still eating and active before yesterday evening. Quite amazing she kept going so long with all this... So though I will miss her a lot, especially this cute thing she would do standing in the window of the cage to beg for veggies, we made the right decision, the mass was inoperable...

Lily just after a bath

Luvya my little furry girl, say hi to Chico and all our other friends over the rainbow bridge... Lily was 3 year and 8 months old...

Mieke and the remaining guinygirlz Woopy, Daisy and Roos


  1. Oh Mieke I am so sorry for your loss of little Lily. As tears are streaming down my face as I write this. I am sending many many hugs to you. What a brave and beautiful little girl you are Lily. She will be with you forever as she has put her little paw prints on your heart. My deepest sympathies.

  2. Penny and the Piggyfriends28 January, 2014 19:10

    Dear Mieke,

    I am so very sorry that you have lost sweet little Lily. You could not have done more for her and you are lucky to have access to such good vets at the university..

    R.I.P. Lily - always loved and always remembered.

    Our most sincere condolences to you and E and the little fuzzy poppets

  3. So, so sorry to hear about Lily. May she popcorn free at Rainbow Bridge.

  4. Dear Mieke,

    We are shocked to hear about poor Lily what a little fighter she was to keep going with all that going wrong. You made the right decision to help her over the rainbow bridge and we know she is now with all her friends old and new and watching over you.

    Hugs to you E and the guninygirlz


  5. I am so sorry to hear this :( It's never easy to lose a fur baby. Best wishes to you and your family.
