
Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone

On behalf of all of the Piggyfriends, our agent in training, baby Tyrion, would like to wish everypig and every slave a very happy Christmas, Hannukah, Yule or whatever you might celebrate at this time of year and if you do not have a celebration right now, then just have a jolly good time anyway,
Carrot wine all round.
Slainte! ( Cheers! )


  1. What a cutie. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too little Tyrion!

    1. Tyrion Piggyfriend25 December, 2013 14:10

      Thank you Alice.

      Slave reads us the adventures of the Cali Cavies every day. Happy Holidays to them all and to you too.

  2. Jean and the misfits26 December, 2013 01:01

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW such a cute Christmas piggy. We loved our Christmas card! Merry Christmas Penny and the piggyfriends
