
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Mystery Today

Agent Mystery here.....aka Otto Piggyfriend.
Usually I look like a black and white version of Agent Zeppelin, who posts those intriguing puzzles for us to solve and I have frequently had my veggies placed at the wrong end, whereupon they are seized by my best friend,  Agent Venezia, but I have just had a shampoo and a haircut and, as you can see, Slave will not make that mistake again. I love having a shampoo and always sit very still for Slave to trim my overlong coat so I deserve those extra veggies.


  1. [Jimmy]: Oh my, the horror. Do you really like it? Amazing! I hope my slave doesn't read this blog because she wants to put me in bad too, brrrrr.

    [Pepper]: But you look very cute at the pigture!

    1. Otto Piggyfriend24 October, 2013 10:39

      Jimmy. I really do enjoy a bath and have been know to doze off whilst the shampoo is soaking in.

      Thank you Pepper!

    2. Okay, that settles it. You MUST have a better slave than we do. Never in our right minds we could imagine dozing off ;-)

  2. I would put the veggies by his face!you can see the eye so you know where it is

    1. Piggyfriends' Slave24 October, 2013 11:28

      Now he's had his haircut, it is easy to tell which end is which! He's a Peruvian so his hair naturally hangs forward over his little face and he looks the same from both ends.
