
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Agent Zeppelin has sent us another one of his infamous pigtures. Even his own human wasn't sure which side of agent Zeppelin should be offered veggies. So get guessing, which side is he facing?


  1. Nearest the rotary ball

  2. I would put the veggies by the toy!

  3. Piggyfriends' Slave05 October, 2013 17:49

    I have the same problem with my Agent Mystery and have been known to offer a veggie to the wrong end, whereupon it is promptly swiped by his companion, Agent Venezia.

    With no confidence, I am going to guess that Agent Zeppelin is facing away from his toy.

  4. I think his head is by the toy so I would put the veggies there!

  5. we would like to guess facing the blue wall part of the cage:)

  6. Piggyfriends' Slave06 October, 2013 20:01

    I have the same trouble with our Agent Mystery and I have been know to put veggies at his wrong end, whereupon his friend Agent Venezia snatches them and runs off.

    This is a hard one to guess but I am going to say that Agent Zeppelin is facing away from his toy.

  7. The side closest to the toy looks vaguely butt-shaped so my guess is towards the cage wall.

  8. [Jimmy]: Come on humans or you don't know???

  9. maybe s/he is kicking the toy with his/her back legs?

  10. Was there a problem with the blog? Our Slave sent a comment as soon as she saw the mystery but it did not appear so she reposted. Now, suddenly, there are lots of comments but we still don't know the answer!

    1. Hi Penny, I think there was nothing wrong with the blog, but we just forgot to moderate the comments, and thus nothing was published...

  11. We guess facing the cage wall

  12. We guess facing away from the toy

  13. Jimmy: Thanks for al the lovely comments and answers, Pepper and I had a great time reading them and they made us (and our slaves, D and Mister B) laugh. But to be honest, looking at the picture right now, I don’t even know myself which side I’m facing, oops :-)

  14. he could even be facing the side .. . but I reckon there's a tuft of hair sticking out at the side nearest the wall and the toy side is wider than the other side

  15. Facing the cage wall? Hahah this guinea pig is hilarious :)

  16. The Surrey Squeakers12 January, 2014 23:28

    We think facing the blue wall. We like this game!
