
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Reminder: tonight 8 pm Peter Gurney Memorial

Remember to light your candle tonight (9 March), at or around 8:00 pm, in your particular time zone to remember Peter Gurney and all of our beloved piggies, pets, and friends who are now at the Rainbow Bridge. This is our annual memorial and everyone is invited to light a candle (a real one) on March 9th, at 8:00 pm. As candles are lit, the lights will travel around the world, as we remember everyone at the Rainbow Bridge. I am told that they all look forward to this very special occasion to see our lights from the Rainbow Bridge.

For those new to this event, we have done it for several years now, and afterward, I will ask you to tell me where your candle was lit, and we will post a list and a map of all the locations where candles were lit. You can see last year's map and list of locations on the GPDD Homepage, as well as some information on Peter Gurney, who the memorial was initially started for. Peter Gurney was a lay guinea pig expert, who passed away in 2006. He wrote many of the books on the care of guinea pigs that many of us use, as well as his website with a wealth of information on guinea pig care.

So, remember to light a candle on March 9th, at or around 8:00 pm, and tell others about it too.
I will be lighting my candle on March 9th, at 8:00 pm. in memory of my dear guinea pig Gordon, who was the Secretary of the Peter Gurney Memorial, and who joined the others at the Rainbow Bridge last November.

Remembering Gordon and Reese, at the Bridge


Leave a message below, telling us where you lit a candle, we will make sure Audrey gets a list of participants.

We, Mieke and the guinygirlz, will try to light a candle in Groningen, the Netherlands, in memory of our late piggies Winky, Lotje, Guiny, Dunya, Chico and Toby.


  1. We lit our candles in Santa Clara, California (US) for Peter Gurney and all our piggies at the Rainbow Bridge.

  2. we lit a candle in Groningen, the Netherlands
