
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Peter Gurney Memorial: March 9th

Message from the gpdd, all can pigticipate to remember their lost guinea pigs and other loved ones. After the memorial, you can leave a comment on our reminder post of upcoming saturday when you participated, we will make sure Audrey gets a list of all the places where we lit a candle

Everyone is invited to participate in our annual Candle Light Memorial for Peter Gurney and for all of our pets and friends who have left us and are now at the Rainbow Bridge. All you have to do is light a candle on March 9th, at or around 8:00 pm, in your particular time zone. As candles are lit in each time zone, the lights will travel around the world, and all of our beloved pets and friends at the Rainbow Bridge will know that we are all thinking of them. Afterward, just send a post to the Digest and/or to me, and we will post a list and a map showing all the locations where candles were lit.

This is our 8th Candle Light Memorial, and we want it to be better each year, so tell others about it too. You can see last year's world map and list of locations where candles were lit on the GPDD homepage, where you can also read about Peter Gurney, who the memorial was named for.

Remember to mark your calendars for March 9th, at 8:00 pm to light your special candle!!? And tell others, too!

(Remembering Gordon and Reese, at the Rainbow Bridge)

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