
Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday video: how to feed baby guinea pigs

We found a video that shows you how to feed baby guinea pigs. We really don't know if this is the best way to do it (leave tips in the comments if you do) but those tiny little monsters are just too adorable.

As an extra, we're adding this cute video of a actual pig who gets fed milk (thank you @librarianbe for alerting us)

Have a nice Wheekend!


  1. Piggyfriends' Slave09 February, 2013 11:15

    I've hand reared guinea babes, born to mothers who came here pregnant and in such poor condition that they did not have milk for their little ones. Baby guineas cannot co-ordinate suckling and breathing so using a syringe is potentially fatal as they can inhale the milk into their lungs. An eye dropper gives you a little more control but as babes are capable of picking up food from day one, I have soaked some wholemeal bread with their milk and they have taken it from a flat dish. I used evaporated milk diluted 1 part to 3 with water.

    You can also use a tiny spoon, angled towards the piggies' mouth, being prepared to move it up if too much is near the mouth. This is OK for one piggy, maybe a runt, but for a litter, I like the bread and milk approach as they can all get stuck in together. Mum can join in too to help with bonding process.

    The piglet on wheels is adorable. Pigs are such intelligent creatures and this one can become as nimble as a dog on wheels. No problem with a real pig taking milk from a bottle.

    Thanks Janneke! We love the Friday videos.

  2. Awww those babies are adorable! We have had babies here three times at the misfit camp. We were very lucky that the moms were able to care for their young. We had sweet Amanda that came from the breeder that gave us Biff and Alana, and Little Bit. We had our little Amelia "mouse" as we loved to call her, that gave us Trigger and Ringers. ANd we had Agnes, Know as Agent momma. SHe gave us Agatha and Ariel. Each came here pregnat already with a sad story to boot. We still have Agatha and Agent Momma. Babies are so sweet.
