
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Misfits do the Fugly

We are sending in two pics for the Fugly look!

The orange piggie is Agent Prince (Charles)

The patch work piggie is Agent Ada-tudy (Adaline)
She wanted to do the Fugly with her fav veggie on her head! So that is why she has broccoli

The Misfits

P.s. from the Winky team: The results of the Calendar poll will be announced when it is January 23 in all the timezones. So we just have to wait a tiny bit more..


  1. I thought it was so cute that I gave you an award! You can check it out if you want! And before I meant so cute not sos cute! haha x

  2. Love Agent Ada-tudy's take on Fugly's look! Good work agents.

  3. Piggies rocking out the Fugly look! Fugly would be proud!
