
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do the Fugly

Here I am, Angelina Piggyfriend, doing the Fugly with my cucumber beret.
I have chosen the Agent name of Mouse, as that was the name I was given by the ladies at Palace Piggies as I was so tiny. As you can see, I have grown a bit and am now nearly as big as Agent Avatar, whom I resemble in every way apart from her wide orange stripe across her back. When we are both snuggled in the hay, Slave has trouble telling us apart and Slave's son calls me Mini Pandora ( that's Agent Avatar's real name ). 
Slave renamed me as she has several pet fancy mice and, because I was always dashing around and doing pirouettes, she named me after Angelina Ballerina, a mouse from a set of children's books.
I love all veggies but cucumbers are my favourite. I think that same could be said for most of the piggies here.


  1. Aaw you are cute, agent mouse, welcome!

  2. Welcome Agent Mouse! You look like our Agent Moma!!! Such a great look in that cucumber Hat! come on all you agents get your Fugly on and show your pigtures too!

  3. Love your cucumber beret Agent Mouse, very fetching indeed.
