
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Calendar piggies: January 2013

We have a new calendar and this month's Calendar piggies are Jimmy & Pepper from Heerlen in the south of the Netherlands. We'd like you to know a bit more about our calendar piggies, so in this post Jimmy and Pepper will introduce themselves. The pigtures in this post are also in the wall and desktop calendars.

Pepper: I am a tri-colored Sheltie sow and was born in March 2010. Almost a year later I found myself in the Guinea pig shelter, where I immediately became a well-known piggy, because I refused to be in a pigture. I have been on their website with a pigture in which you could not see my front. Despite that pigture I was matched with Jimmy and moved to Heerlen. Slave D thinks I am a wild little guinea pig. who is not easily tamed. But I also love to relax and excel in executing the Banana (crescent) shaped posture. I was named after the daughter of mister Graham Coxon (that is D's favorite guitar player) and my name suits me well apparently.

Pepper on the left

Jimmy: I am a black haired peruvian boar with a very sweet and docile character. That might be because I ended up in a shelter almost right after my birth in July 2009. There they took really good care of me, but I was even happier when I could move to Heerlen in December 2009. Since February 2011 I live together with Pepper and I sometimes still need to get used to that, she can be so wild. I am very much in love with Daisy of the Guinygirlz and luckily that is mutual. I am also named after someone from the musical world, namely Jimmy Page, the guitar player of Led Zeppelin. And that also explains my 'secret agent' name, Zeppelin. My activities as a 'secret agent' are mostly restricted to sending in pigtures, of which readers are supposed to guess where my front and back side are :-)

Jimmy on the left
Together, we mostly occupy ourselves with the important things in a Guinea pig's life like eating, having a nice nap, poop a bit, nap again, pee and eat again. You know how it is. But that is not all, we are also active on the Internet. We have our own Facebook page and a Twitter account (Search for Gekke Flappies) and in that way we keep in contact with Guinea pigs all around the world. Oh yes, D and mister B, who will move in together soon, they take very good care of us. We are really excited about that, as that will mean we will always have company!

Love from Jimmy and Pepper x


  1. So you should be! Lovely piggies.

  2. Wonderful to read about your piggy selves. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Agents!

  3. Ow, I forgot to mention that the Gekke Flappies both came from one of the nminated shelters: 't Kuufke in Limbricht the Netherlands!
