
Monday, January 28, 2013

Aphrodite does the Fugly

Agent Venus (Aphrodite from the Misfits) wanted to get in to the fun too! Here she is in her favorite food.... Strawberry!


a Princess wearing her crown

Come on other Agents lets see you do the Fugly too!


  1. Agent Venus you look quite regal indeed! A crown fit for a piggy goddess.

  2. thank you! I feel like a queen!

  3. Our Slave adores strawberries too - she says that they are nearly as good as chocolate.

    Lovely pigture Agent Venus!

  4. we would love to try them out, as we have never had them. Slaaaaaave?!?! ...She says she will grow them this year. She already has one plant, which hopefully didn't freeze with the snow and cold lately!
    So we are waiting expectantly, where is that sun? How long does it take strawberries to grow?

  5. Slave says that strawberry plants do not mind the cold or snow. Cut off any dead leaves and as soon as the weather warms up, new leaves will grow. Slaves harvests strawberries in June and July but some varieties are a bit later.

    They do need the sun though. Last year's crop was rubbish as it rained all summer.
