
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cute Contest: Bond Girls

As you all know, we are busy collecting pigtures for our calendar. And we need your opinion. The Cali Cavy Collective has graciously consented to let use use one of their pigtures and now we're in trouble because they are all so cute. So we decided to settle this with a cute contest.

We have currently narrowed our selection down to these two pigtures. (check out the original blogpost to see more of these cute bond girls)

Pigture A: Poof
Pigture B: Abby-Roo
Which pigture would you like to see on the calendar?


  1. They are both so cute!! I like the "Poof" picture a teeny tiny bit more because of the feather boa. :)

  2. We love both pigtures too but, for the same reason as Jocelyn, we will vote for Pigture A.

  3. Both Poof and Abby-Roo are very excited at the chance of being in the calendar!!

  4. I love them both! Abby-roo has great form, Poof has the feather boa....hard choice. I'll go with the crowd and vote for Poof (but I still love ya, Abby-roo!).

  5. We are going to vote for Abby Roo what a great poser

  6. We like Abby Roo as well, but do really like how Poof wears her boa.
    We will go for Abby Roo (B)

  7. I think Poof won by a straw (or should I say hay strand?)
