
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2013!

Hi Piggies,

Like last year we want to make an Undercover guinea pigs calendar!!

How does it work?

We have 12 spots, one for every month, to fill the calendar, and we might also want a piggy to go on the front. We would like to receive pigtures of your cavy or cavies, which we can use in the calendar with your permission.

If we recieve too many different entries, we might have to choose. Sorry there are only 12 spots to fill, but we will give priority to piggies that have not appeared in the calendar last year (or actually if one piggy of a slave has been in there already and he/she sends in a pigture of a different piggy he/she owns, and we also received a pigture from a cavy who's slave hasn't had a piggy in the calendar before, the last one will get priority).

We will also ask you to nominate a shelter where we will send the money we make on the calendar. Once all calendars are (almost) sold, we will have a vote for which shelter which should recieve the money.Everyone can send in nominees, this is not restricted to piggies featuring in the calendar!

The shelter that won last year, will be excluded, as we want to give all shelters a chance.

Mieke from the undercover guinea pigs blog will post when you can order the calendar (desk or wall version) from a company and have the company send it to you directly (as it's probably cheaper and faster).

So, send in your entries! It can be one of or all your piggies, and we love big, good resolution pigtures for the calendar, themed pictures eg Christmas, Halloween etc are also good. You can send in pigtures with a little accompanying text about the piggie(s) and their agents names, either to the blog directly (see the contribute tab) or mail it to us and we will post.

The undercover guinea pigs blog girls,
Mieke, M and Janneke


  1. Can we send in a pigture of ourselves? And we nominate 't Kuufke because we both lived there before D adopted us.

  2. We won't send in any of our pigtures as we featured on two pages this year but if you are short of a pigture when you come to assemble the Calendar, you know who to call. Slave has pigtures for St.Patrick's Day, Halloween, Easter,Christmas----you name it, she's bound to have one or ten.

    We will nominate Palace Piggies Rescue as some of us came from there. We nominated them last year and they came second.

    We will remind everyone very loudly at the appropriate time.

    We are so pleased that there will be another Calendar for next year.

  3. Ditto with what Piggyfriends said about the calendar pigtures, we'll be happy to join in once everypiggy has had their turn. Looking forward to the next batch of piggy models!
