
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Video: Guinygirlz new cage

Hi there,

 Auntie J is away and left us to the hard task of selecting a video.
We have had a new cage, build by our human Daddy E, for a while now. We are pretty sure we shared it already but we cannot find it on this blog...
So hope we are not annoying you with a repeat of this video of us entering the new cage for the first time... it is quite a long video, you don't have to watch it all if you don't want to ;)


 Some specifics:
- The cage is about 122cm by 125cm (around 48" by 49") and made out of wood, the kind that consists of layers pressed together with a shiny top and bottom.
- The see-through parts are pieces of plexiglass (hooby glass) from our old cage (see our old cage here)
- Roos has a perfect camouflage color for the sides of the cage (the wood is red brown, like Roos is).
- The back has a small ledge at the top, which can be opened, so our waterbottle and hayrack can be filled more easily. We like this, because it gives some idea of shelter when we get scared.
- The cage is on top of an 'H'-shaped stand which holds our boxes of pellets, hay, bedding.
- We had to get used to the wide open space, but now We looove the new cage!

 The Guinygirlz: Woopy, Lily, Daisy and Roos


  1. as for the order of us being put in, first it's Woopy, Lily, Daisy and then little Roos

  2. We hadn't seen this lovely video before. We had to watch it all to see every one of the poppets being put in their great new home.

    E is a great builder. Well done.

  3. The Surrey Squeakers27 October, 2012 22:54

    We have seen it before but we watched it again and enjoyed it. We like your new home.

  4. What a wonderful cage! Your human is very skilled, putting together such a spacious luxurious cage for everypiggy to enjoy :)

  5. Cali Cavy Collective. We don't know how to put a comment on your blog but we are very relieved that Truffle is better. It is so scary when a piggy is off his/her food.
