
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Agent Zeppelin Mystery

Agent Zeppelin has another mystery for you. He made his staff go to the street market to buy vegetables in a brown paper bag (FYI, best toy ever!). After eating the contents he sent us this pigture.

Which way is he facing? Get guessing!


  1. Ghost + Iron Hamster04 October, 2012 08:53

    we are guessing right head in bag

  2. We also guess that Agent Zeppelin's head is in the bag, and his rear is hanging out of it

  3. We'll guess that he is looking out of the bag but we got the last mystery wrong.

  4. I am going to guess his head is facing out of the bag. We just love it when Agent Zeppelin plays these guessing games!!!! such a sweet boy!

  5. It first we thought he was facing in the bag, but we will go for facing out the bag... (so butt in bag)

    Agent Wheeker hopes she is right about her Love Agent Zeppelin...

  6. Here's Jimmy with the correct answer.... My head is in the bag because that's where D put all the nice food.

    Sorry agent Wheeker but piggy kisses for you xx

  7. We were wrong again!!
