
Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Video: Check out the French #Olympigs competition

Look at that petit Cochon D'Inde go!

Have a nice Wheekend!


  1. Oh my goodness, such a spaz! And his/her ears look so large without all the fluffy guinea pig hair around them, I love it :) What a cute pig :)

  2. Pauvre petit cochon d"Inde sans les cheveux.

    If he/she is in the popcorn challenge we might as well give up now. We are not in his/her league. Mind you he/she doesn't have the weight of a coat to carry around. We'll concentrate on the running round in circles and tearing up boxes events instead.

  3. awww such a cute piggie. We love those popcorn pops! You win! I have never seen a hairless piggie in person. We wonder what they feel like? and how do you keep them warm in the winter? Piggie looked very very happy! I wonder if piggie knows he is "naked? hehehehehe

  4. Hi misfits,

    Our slave had nearly hairless piggies in the shelter where she volunteered. A girl who was allergic got hairless ones in the hope she wouldn't be allergic to them. Unfortunately she was, and she was heart broken that she could not keep them. The two piggies both had a drawing she made then with their cage.
    They were real darlings, but slave was not fond of how they felt, they had the sand paper feel to the touch... Maybe some are softer? These felt like they were just shaved with tiny stubs...
    We do know one of slaves friends has hairless cats and they are supersoft!
