
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Agent Shyness and Agent Pellets have so big news!

Hello,my name is Agent Pellets and we have some big news.Even though we are brothers,we hit puberty so we have been scratching and biting.So ,we will be seperated. If you had had this happen with a close friend,or brother or sister,please give us some tips.


  1. the best source (in our opinion) is the information from cavyspirit:

    Especially the part on introductions and which types of behavior are normal and which ones aren't

  2. Yes we have had to seperate boy piggies that have been great while they were young then about age 6 or 7 months started to fight each other.... Some say if you give them a bigger home it will work out. We just put a divider in that they can still see and talk to each other and touch noses if they wanted too. Make sure they have two of everything if you try to keep them together.

  3. I've never had to separate a pair of boars and there have been a large number here at Piggyfriends. I've had boars that have been together from birth, young unrelated ones that I have introduced and I have paired up assorted adults. All my boars live in pairs. Maybe their cages are large enough that no-one wants to fight or maybe it is their English temperament!

    Do try bathing them together as Cavy Spirit suggests. Then re-introduce them in a neutral environment with loads of food to keep their mind off fighting. It would be a shame if you had to split them up permanently as they need company. If all else fails, go for the larger cage with a divider. Good luck.

  4. Agent Shyness here.Thank you for the info Piggy Friends.
