
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Suus and Dunya's citytrip : The Hague - part 2

Where to go next? According to Suus' little touristguide there used to be a veggie garden on Plein ('the square'). Of course the girls had to check it out.

Unfortunately, there are only a lot of big buildings like the Department of Justice on Plein and a lot of bars. And it's too early to get a carrot beer. 
Lets go and see if we can get something to eat somewhere else.

Now they wander into the Binnenhof ('Inner Court'). This is where the Dutch Governement works. Maybe they have some leftovers for us?

Hello Mr. Balkenende ((former) Dutch Prime Minister), 
do you have some veggies for us?
Hmmm.. no answer...

Hey Suus, there is a fountain. Lets get something to drink.
Heehee.. it's a good thing we didn't bring Igor ;-)

Yum! These flowers look kinda tasty..


  1. Awww Suus and Dunya you are such world travelers!

  2. I just get a smile on my face when I look at that last pigture. Dunya would not stay put in that flowerbed, so I had to hold her...
    So what you don't see is me, sitting below the flower bed holding Dunya (the flowers were on the railing of the 'bridge'), and all those people that were passing us, looking like we had gone mad...

  3. ah, I see it was actually Janneke holding Dunya, for an impression see this pigture, with Janneke and people looking like we were mad... (i hope that when you copy the link, it will take you to the image..)

  4. Fun installment. Love the behind-the-scenes photo, look at the pedestrians standing in confusion!

  5. Penny and the Piggyfriends07 June, 2012 12:16

    I've got pictures like that from when Algernon Rat visited. He is so light that he would not stand up in the wind so I had to kneel down and hold him in place, then crop myself out of the photo later. We met a lot of confused passers by!

    1. We had that too, my favorite was the employee of schiphol airport who seemed genuinely interested and even posed with algernon
