
Monday, April 23, 2012

Caption Contest

Only One of us is the Real Deal but Which One?

Meet new Agent Triangle we will leave you to guess which pig is Triangle and why

Triangle lives in Illinois as part of a mixed herd her real name means Oak Tree in Hebrew and Halo of Light Around the Moon in Turkish. It is also the name of a medieval city on the Red Sea.

This is a tough one so get guessing.


  1. It is too wet for Slave to work today so she has been helping us with this one.

    We think that Agent Triangle is the third from the left and maybe her Agent name comes from the white triangle on her face.

    We recognise the piggy on the left as we have an identical one. Ours is a hand puppet, which Slave used to take to the RSPCA Pet Days and visitors to her table would mistake it for a real piggy when she made it move.

    Agent Triangle must be a Misfit so her name will begin with an A. Slave says that the Ayla Marathon is run by the Red Sea so that is our guess.

    Slave knows the name as the heroine of the Earth's Children series of books and thought that Ayla Misfit was named for her.

    Our Turkish and Hebrew is not very good but Mr. Google was very helpful.

    How did we do?

  2. Caption contest:

    "who are you calling a dummy?"

  3. What a gorgeous tricolour!

  4. Awww I love my new agent name!! and Penny you are right that is me the third piggy from the left! Miss Alya from the misfits:)
    You are very good at guessing:) and I tried so hard to "blend" in with the other piggies;)
