
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We had a bath

We shouldn't have said that we'd never had a bath..

Miss Bo
Agent Chanel
For those of you who are still wondering how J tells Coco and Sjeuf apart, here are some hints:
  • Coco is actually white, with only two lilac spots around her eyes 
  • Sjeuf is lilac all over 
  • Coco is a coronet. This means that she has a crest on her head and long hair everywhere else. Or as she likes to say; I wear a crown, since I am a queen ;-) 
  • Sjeuf is a sheltie, no crests
  • And most of all, Coco is a girl and Sjeuf is a boy!! When in doubt (as if..) check underneath ;-)


  1. Those little piggies noses are just to cute!!!!

  2. Everypiggy looks very displeased (but cute nonetheless) at being wrapped up in a towel WOL

  3. Poor piggies, bathtime is so undignified.

  4. do Guini pigs like baths?
