
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Top of the morning readers!
The Piggyfriends want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day and I have been chosen as their representative.
Slave says that every pig here can be a secret agent. How exciting is that! Beats living in a cardboard box anyday.
She gave me an Irish name when I came here so I have chosen to be called Agent Shamrock. I live with my best friend Domino, who has shared my life through the hungry cardboard box years and the outdoor living and is now safely indoors with me here at Piggyfriends, where veggies are plentiful and there are pens of beautiful sows nearby.
We spent time recovering at our Rodentologists before moving here and our favourite food there was carrot but Slave forages for yummy leaves for us and we currently are enamoured of dandelion leaves.
Slave says that unless, like her, you are into Irish mythology or garden design, you are unlikely to guess my real name. If you read the GPDD, you might have seen me and my friend collecting trash aboard the Black Pearl in the current virtual story. The only clue that I can suggest is to think of an Irish name beginning with  D and don't worry about the spelling.
Have a great day. Glasses of carrot wine all round. Slonshal.


  1. The Surrey Squeakers17 March, 2012 11:03

    Top o' the morning to you and all the Piggyfriends, Diarmuid! Agent Shamrock is a great name. There are St Patrick's Day celebrations in this house too. Very very senior slave/grassman is 87 today and junior slave is walking round with a cuddly Guinness glass strapped to his head. Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Boxty (Squeaker with Irish name aka Agent Potato)

  2. A puzzled Boxty17 March, 2012 11:05

    I didn't post this at 03.03 am!

  3. Agent Shamrock17 March, 2012 11:53

    Hello Boxty. Slave thought that one of the Squeakers would guess my name and spell it right too.

    Slave is wearing her Irish rugby jersey and we have a new flag in honour of the day.

    A very happy birthday to your senior grass cutter.

    Slave thinks that the posts might sometimes be in US time not ours but mine was right. I am glad that you were not up 03.03am when all good piggies should be asleep replenishing their energy for the day's eating ahead.

  4. Agent Shamrock17 March, 2012 11:55

    P.S. My comment has come out as 03.53am. Weird!

  5. Greetings Agent Shamrock! So glad to hear that both you and your piggy friend Domino are now living in spoiled comfort with the Piggyfriends. You both must have been very tough to survive living through such inhospitable conditions.

    Dandelion leaves are delicious, whee highly recommend them.

  6. Such a sweet piggie. We think you make a fine Agent Shamrock! We did eat lots of Green grass today that mommy picked special for us to celebrate the green holiday.
    Happy St. Pattys day to everyone.

  7. I just looked at the time it printed for what we wrote.. it says 754pm well its really 1054pm here right now:)

  8. Agent Shamrock18 March, 2012 13:00

    Thank you Cali Cavy Collective.

    We did not emerge unscathed from our previous neglect. When we reached our Rodentologists' house, we were both painfully thin. Domino had a nasty growth on his side, which needed an operation and I have had treatment for a heart condition. When we had fattened up, our Rodentologists said that we were not gojng back and asked our Slave if she would like to take us home. She never says no to a piggy in need and so we are enjoying our retirement amongst many other piggies at Piggyfriends.

    We love reading about your adventures in sunny California.

  9. Happy St Patricks day, time travelling piggies

    Dont let the humans know what you can do wol
