
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Agent Cleopatra and her Hat

Agent Cleopatra is part of a mixed herd living in Illinois.

Her real name is the name of a town in the country that her Agent name was Queen of off, confused, heres another hint its also the name of a famous lighthouse in the same country.


  1. We can guess who this is. We think that Agent Cleopatra is really Alexandria of the Misfits.

    Smart hat Agent.

  2. Such a smart and cute piggy!!

  3. Smart hat for a smart piggy! And may whee inquire as to where you graduated from? Cavy University, perhaps?

  4. Alexandria (misfits)15 February, 2012 19:54

    Yes I am the misfits "Alexandria" I think I look so clever in my hat! Yes I did graduate with honors from Cavy University!
