
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Agent Valentino signing off

On valentine's day, exactly 3 years ago, Chico got to move in with his girlz.
at that time they were Dunya and Woopy, now they would be Woopy, Lily and Daisy.

Unfortunately Chico did not make it to this day :'(
Yesterday evening, only 30 minutes short of this small anniversary, he crossed the rainbow bridge...

As some of you know he was having diarrhea for the second time (ironically enough he had normal poops yesterday),
and inbetween he broke his front teeth. This probably caused a trama in which his jaws became misaligned.
This meant his front teeth didn't meet anymore, and as a result his lower incisors had grown very long already.

Last friday the vet corrected this, and then she noticed that his jaws were misaligned...
She said there was a possiblity that this would correct itself, but there was also a good chance that this wouldn't correct itself,
meaning monthly visits to the vet to have his teeth corrected...

He was a very strong boar, since the teeth correction friday, he kept going on, but loosing more and more weight,
as he couldn't really eat himself. We did of course feed him critical care and small strips of vegetable.
When I came home yesterday he was not looking good, but we spent about another 2 hours sitting with him.
I gave him some extra painkiller in case he was in pain, and we just tried to keep him comfortable.
He kept standing up, and would still stand on his paws for a very long time!
I took all my girlz (one by one) to see him for the last time, the girlz were not very happy with this.
There is something about cavies and knowing when time is up, and they just tend to keep away from them.
However when I took Lily to him (they were always very fond of each other) he lifted his head and tried to snuggle up to her!
After that he went downhill fast...

He was my first cavy that did not do the running in the end, though he was stamping his feet a lot,
which felt a lot like he was trying to stand up and walk away...

Sadly, Mieke, Erwin
and the guinygirlz Woopy, Lily and Daisy


  1. Goodbye Agent Valentino.

    Your special skills will be missed by all your agent friends.

  2. Very sorry to hear about Agent Valentino. That is too sweet about Lily, he loved her piggy buddy. He will be missed by both people and piggies!

  3. We are so sorry that dear sweet Agent valentino has passed. He will be greatly missed by many. rest in peace dear sweet boy. You are truly a valentine boy as you have given so much love to so many.

  4. Penny and the Piggyfriends15 February, 2012 23:45

    We are so sad to have to say goodbye to Agent Valentino. You will be missed by us all.

  5. I'm terribly sorry to hear the sad new.

  6. So sorry to hear about Chico. Whee will miss our wonderful agent friend.

  7. Goodbye sweetie, you were always a favorite with me (and you knew that very well, little flirt ;-))


  8. mines crossed the rainbow bridge too :)
