
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Order your Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2012

You can now order your Undercover Guinea Pigs Calendar 2012!
Just click on the link in the column on the right.

As some large herds gave us permission to use their agents pigtures, we are now able to easily fill the calendar, but if you want your pig to feature be sure to give us permission.

For those who order before the 5th of December a wall calendar can be made instead of the desk calendar. If you order before that date I will ask you about which type you want: the desk or wall version!

I think it will be easiest if you leave a comment to this post stating:
"I, [insert name], give M and Mieke of the Undercover Guinea Pigs blog permission to use the pictures of my Agent(s), [names of your agents] for a Undercover guinea pigs Calendar."


  1. Ow, I only just heard I misspelled the adress of our blog on the calendar example in the right column. Just to ensure you: I have edited this to be the right address, so If you order you should get the correct one

  2. Just filled out the order, can't wait!!

  3. "I, Mopsy, give M and Mieke of the Undercover Guinea Pigs blog permission to use the pictures of my Agent(s), Lettuce, Otter, Thames, Starbuck and Boomer for a Undercover guinea pigs Calendar."

  4. I Jean from the misfits give M and Mieke of the undercocver guinea pigs blog permission to use any of the misfits pictures any time they want for what ever they need to use them for:)

  5. Anni, I'd love to include Flowers halloween pigture in the calendar, could you send me the original? the one I can get from this blog does not have a high enough resolution to use in the calendar!
