
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Pigmas from the (uncooperative) Guinygirlz

I tried to get some nice Xmas pigtures of my little herd together but they weren't very cooperative...

I did get some nice shots from individual pigs so I'll post those

lil'Woop next to the christmas stable
(I like it because you can burn a candle in it, and it is nice an small)

Daisy in her cutest pose next to the christmas tree

Agent Wheeker

Agent Valentino

lil'Woop peeking out
Lily'explorer peeking over the christmas ornaments...

In the rest of the pigtures they were mostly wrecking the props...
Btw, this is the base of their new cage (will be a 1,22 by 1,22 meter cage :)

Life's hard sometimes for slaves with uncooperative pigs, but I hope you like these single shots!

Slave Mieke


  1. What lovely holiday photos!! So cute!

  2. So many adorable piggies! Everypiggy certainly looks like they're enjoying themselves during playtime. Probably because prop wrecking is lots of fun :)

  3. When there are as many piggies to choose from as we have here, there are always some who will cooperate and pose nicely as a group.

    Well done Guinygirlz. We know that you will have had a lot of fun wrecking the scenery.

  4. Awww the Pigtures were great! we enjoyed watching as you girls made havack of the props.Looks like all had fun. Merry Merry Christmas

  5. Well done with the wrecking secret Agents.

    Lil Woop is especially cute xxxx
