
Friday, July 29, 2011

Agent I Cute Nail Cutting Cuddles

This is how Mummy has to hold Iron Hamster to cut his front nails we are glad to see that this technique works with Agent I as well.

Iron Hamster refuses all treats while his nails are cut but Agent I in true piggy form munches the whole time.

In this pigture Agent I is being held by his auntie while his mummy cuts his nails.


  1. Mopsy, slave of Starbuck, Boomer and Woody29 July, 2011 21:50

    Such dedication to food, good work Agent I.

  2. My, what cute little paws you have! hehe =) Whee also prefer munching on something when getting a toenail trim, but sometimes if whee are in a particularly poor mood we will spurn everything.

  3. Agent I your auntie is lucky she isnt holding our Agent Saint(Lazurus) as he would of nibble her beautiful hair! he loves to chew people hair! Good work Agent I good work indeed!
