
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Open Day at Raystede Rescue

Piggyfriend Agents Thorntons, Venezia, Firenze and Storm would like to advertise that there is to be an Open Day on Sunday, 26th. June at the rescue from which they and some of their friends came. If anyone lives in the South East of England, they might like to go and support this worthy cause. The piggies there live in open pens like ours so the cavy house is kept closed during Open Days to prevent the piggies being hassled by visitors but they can be seen through the window and staff are on hand to help with any adoptions.
This is the rescue which Algernon Rat visited when he was staying here and you can see him at the entrance in the picture.
Visit for details.
Thank you readers one and all.
NB Note to Slave. There is a new sign outside Raystede. Go and take another photo.


  1. Thanks for the announcement Piggyfriends we shall see if the humans are free to attend

  2. The Surrey Squeakers04 June, 2011 09:52

    We would love our slave to go to this and tell us all about it. Unfortunately, June is the month where we all lie low because she is completely stressed out with marking exam papers and writing reports (whatever they are) and so we hope she has done them all by then and returned to her normal self!

  3. We will write a report for everyone. Last year the summer Open Day was held on the hottest day of the year so if that happens again, we will send our Slave to report on our behalf. She doesn't like the heat either but she is safer out in it than us piggies.
