
Friday, April 1, 2011

New Agents & Agents-in-Training

Agent in Training Benson

Agent in Training Spaetzle

Agent in Training Orchid

Agent in Training O

Agent Carroll

Wheee are The Nubbins Nine and we would like to officially join the ranks of the Undercover Guinea Pigs as individual Agents and Agents-in-Training. Lettuce introduce our piggy selves:

Agent-in-Training Benson weighs in at 606 g. Age 2 1/2 months.
My real name in the first name of the actress who plays Law & Order character Benson..
I'm the second speediest in this group and hard to catch. As an agent in training, I'm able to help free anyone, anytime in record time.

Agent-in-Training Spaetzle weighs in at  614 g. Age 2 1/2 months
My real name is from the same language as my agent name and, like my agent name, it also contains the letter z.
I'm the speediest of us all and I like to talk. As an agent in training, I'd be an excellent messenger.

Agent in Training Orchid weighs in at 671 g. Age 2 1/2 months
My real name is the same as a variety of orchid.
I'm a natural-born something, I'm just not sure what. As an agent, you can think of me as pure potential to be and do anything!

Agent in Training O weighs in at 956 g. Age 9 months
My real name begins with the letter O. I've been told by Agent Stargirl (a 12 year old human) that my agent name is very mysterious.
I'm a super-pig with prodigious talents with jumping and climbing. My hero is Superman.

Agent Carroll weighs in at 1073 g. Age 12 months
My real name is the lead character in a story written by Carroll.
I'm a quiet, steady pig who loves to snuggle and to take adventures. As an agent, I offer a steadying influence in crowds.

Agent Indy weighs in at 1097 g. Age 14 months
My real name happens to be the same as a famous auto racing driver.
I'm very talkative and generally considered the best Spokespig of The Nine. As an agent, I offer skills in international translation and negotiation.

Agent Dunham weighs in at 1118 g. Age 12 months
My real name is the first name of FBI Agent Dunham on show Fringe.
I'm mild mannered, quiet and smart. As an agent I hold the powers of observation.

Agent Sullivan 1230 g. Age 13 months
My real name is the first name of a character with my agent name as her last name on the Canadian show The Guard.
When about to be picked up, I scream and run, then I'm fine. I also like to lift my butt off the blanket I'm being held with before I pee. As an agent, I would like to help scared or traumatized creatures feel safe upon rescue.

Agent Shakti weighs in at 1302 g. Age 3 years
My real name is one of the many names and manifestations of the Hindu Goddess.
I'm the matriarch of The Nine. As an agent, I offer confident (if not bossy) leadership for all adventures.

Our group secret agent name, The Nubbins Nine, comes from a play on words from episodes 6 & 7 of season 1 for a current science fiction show currently airing season 3.

Wheeee look forward to lots of helpful and kind adventures. Actually, does anyone know ... Has a Undercover Agent team been dispatched to Japan?



  1. Wow a whole team of Agents how fantastic, the only one we can even venture a guess at is Agent Carrol who we think might really be Alice?

    If you could start at the top picture of the top post as number 1 and send me a list of who is who ie 1 = Carrol I will add your names to the posts.

  2. PS yes via the GPDD a team of Agents has been despatched to Japan

  3. Agent Dunham must be Olivia, Fringe is one of my fav tv programmes! What a lovely collection of Peeeeegs.

    Is the group name The Observers?

  4. Wow! A whole new group of Agents. Welcome one and all!!

    Our internet connection has been down all morning and now Slave is taking her laptop to work so we do not have enough time to research the new names. Eeek!!

    We guess that you do not come from our part of the world as these tv programmes are not available on our four miserable channels but we have to agree with Agent Ghost that Agent Carroll might be Alice.

    Could Agent Shakti be Durga?

    Slave knows the names of hundreds of orchids but we will not be typing all of those now as she is going to switch off the computer right now.....................

  5. Yes! Wheee think you all are sooo smart! Wheek! Wheek!

    Agent Carroll is in real life: Alice
    Agent Dunham is in real life: Olivia
    Agent Shakti is in real life: Durga

    Whee had noooo idea there are so many kinds of orchids out there. We will give another clue. The kind of orchid Agent Orchid's real name is *also* the name of a type of spider, a moon, and Ellen DeGeneres' wife.

    Oh, and the group name guess, The Observers, is incorrect. Please try again :D Wheek! Wheek!!!

    Now, for more Romaine Lettuce.


  6. Slave is home again with her laptop so we want to have a guess at Agent Orchid's real name.

    We don't know who Ellen de Generes is but Slave says that there is a Cattleya orchid called Portia, which is also a moon of Uranus ( Slave like astronomy as well as gardening ) so that is our guess. Well, Slave's guess really.

    We have a Portia living here who is Agent Venezia.

    Slave says that Spaetzle is something good for humans to eat but her German is not very good.

  7. Piggyfriend's Slave is correct :) Agent Orchid's real name is Portia! Yaaaay!

    A hint on Agent Spaetzle: His real piggy name is a real human name that English-speaking people recognize, even though it's from the same language the yummy food-word Spaetzle comes from :D

  8. How about Fritz or Heinz for Agent Spaetzle?

    And could the group name be the Watchers?

    We enjoy trying to guess names even if we are wrong!

  9. Oh, Piggyfriends, you are on a roll!!!

    YES! Agent Spaetzle's real name is Fritz!

    The group's name (Nubbins Nine) is not based on The Watchers.

    Here's another hint for the inspirational seed for their group name: The show is broadcast in over 90 countries around the world, including the UK, Australia, Europe, Asia and, amazingly, Afghanistan. There are several long-lived characters as well as so-called "Abnormals" with more common length life spans. The three executive producers (also lead actor, director and writer/creator) have a not-for-profit aiding children around the world who live without the right of safety in their lives. The show in an independent project which films in Vancouver but is set in various real and fictitious cities around the world.

    Hmmm ... what could it be? .....

    Thank you, Agent Ghost, for tagging our photos! Everything looks great!

    Wheek! Wheek!

  10. How about Oscar for Agent O

  11. Is your group name inspired by Sanctuary? I am at a loss for guessing the rest of the Agents names.

  12. Okay, a guess.
    You had me quite confused there, I thought Agent Benson was Olivia, as that is her name in Law and Order. But the actress name is Mariska (hartigay, both spelled differently I think).
    Could that be Agent Benson's real name?

    For agent in training O I'm guessing Olga, of the Olga da polga books... A name of one the G-force guinea pigs was an option too, but can't find one with a name that starts with an O.

  13. sweet! new ucgp

  14. Sorry, everyone, for being distracted from these comments in the middle and latter part of this month! I'm back and saw a couple of new posts.

    Agent Ghost, you are sooo close. Agent O is actually Oliver. He is named after his mum, Olivia.

    Lily Explorer, Agent Wheeker, Lil Whoop and Agent Valentino you've gotten it! Agent Benson's real name is Mariska. Yay! Great job!

    And last but not least, the group name is a allusion to the television show "Sanctuary," which was identified correctly by Mopsy! Yippee!

  15. What are Agents Indy and Sullivan 's real names? Or did I not read very well...
