
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sleeping Method: the Sphinx


C'est moi, (Agent) Mademoiselle Chanel! I reached agent weight earlier this week and my first act as an agent will be showing you my research in the field of advanced sleeping methods.
The Sphinx
This is what you do:

- find a comfortable spot
- place your paws underneath you, with the front paws right next to eachother, straight underneath your nose
- put on a mystic smile
- keep your eyes open!
- meditate in that exact position untill you fall asleep


Mademoiselle Chanel


  1. Wow that is an advanced sleeping position

  2. Les garcons de Piggyfriends disent,

    "Bienvenue Madame Chanel. Nous sommes enchantes de faire votre connaissance." (swoon)

    Agent Silver Streak: "Psst! I can't find an accent key on Slave's computer. Madame Chanel will think that we can't speak French."

    Agent Big Red: "That's because it has an American keyboard."

    Piggyfriend girls (aside): "Just what we need. Another femme fatale"

    Agent Avatar: " I don't think that she is French at all. Isn't she Agent I's new friend........"

    Agent Venezia" "Shh. Don't say her name as others will want to guess"

    Together: " Oh! In that case. Welcome Agent Chanel!"

  3. Such a beautiful piggie indeed!!!!

  4. Hi all,

    Thank you! *blushblush*

    @piggyfriends indeed, I'm not French. I was born in the Netherlands. My previous owners didn't have time to care for me and my 2 sisters so they gave us to a guinea pig shelter. That is where agent I found me and he took me home to live with him and J. I popcorn every day to celebrate my new life :-D because I loooooove it.

    xxx agent Chanel
