
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New pigs

Agent Custard Cream
Amelia Biscuit when I first got her, she is a lot bigger now!
Amelia Biscuit and the late great Edna in the garden
Agent Stoat
Weasel being Weasely
Maisey - all these pics were taken while they were in quarentine
Maisey and Mirabella

Hello there,

Following the loss of Edna I was hoping I could put some new pigs on!

Here is the post I have sent to the GPDD:

Following the loss of the great Edna in December, we decided to have a quiet Christmas with just Weasel and Amelia Biscuit. However, it was noted that Weasel was becoming more nervy, not eating as much and being more fussy with food. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her (she bit the poor vet) and thought she was missing Edna (as Edna was a great lover of mealtimes). Amelia was also getting very upset if she couldn't see Weasel so I was starting to get very worried about them.

So, off to my local sanctuary to find some more companions and we cam back with Maisey and Mirabella. They are 18 month old mixed Dutch/Agoutis, who like to be in the same pen but do not sleep together. I bought a second hand cage for quarentine and then gently introduced them. They are all together now and seem to be getting on okay (lots of noise and bottom wiggling at first), all (including Weasel)  are eating plently, with mealtimes such noisy fun so I am hopeful they will all become friends!

None of them are agents so maybe they could join (Weasel would like to be agent Stoat, Amelia agent custard cream). Maisey and Mirabella may need feeding up.




  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    I edited your post, the email adress you send it too publishes directly to the blog.
    I put the captions underneath the pigtures.
    If you want anything else changed, let me or M know :D


  2. Welcome to the new piggies they are all gorgeous

  3. Welcome to the lovely new piggies!

  4. We love these pigtures. In addition to the lovely piggies, you have a blue pigloo and a little grey stool for a hidey exactly the same as we have.
