
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dido, Agent Lettuce

Sad news, Dido, Agent Lettuce has died. She passed away peacefully on Saturday night, she was staying with my next-door neighbour while I was away in Berlin. She was her usual self right up till the afternoon before she died. Although it is horrible not to have been there, she had been curled up in my arms, clucking happily, the night before I left.

She will be missed by me, my family and friends. She was such a funny little pig with a big personality. Right now it hurts more than I can say to think of her, how she would recognise my voice and listen when she heard me coming. The poot pooting noises when she wanted food or attention and her little chubby face with her frilly ears.


  1. RIP Agent Lettuce we will miss your contributions as an undercover agent.

    For some reason the photo is not showing properly if you want to send it direct to we will add it for you.

    We send big hugs to Mopsy who must be a very sad slave right now.

  2. I'm sorry for you Mopsy, I had hoped we could help her a little...
    I loved reading her stories!

    She will be missed by us too

  3. We are all so very sorry that Agent Lettuce has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. We loved reading about her.

    Sending our sincere condolences and virtual hugs to Mopsy.

  4. What a lovely girl. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  5. Ali (piggy slave)17 March, 2011 08:42

    RIP Agent Lettuce.. so sorry to hear that she has left to Rainbow Bridge. My deepest sympathies to her piggy slave, it is always so hard to lose a little one. If its any consolation at all, take some comfort in the knowledge that you gave her a great life with you.

  6. Agent 7 is very sorry that Agent Lettuce has gone on to the Bridge. Secret Agent Piggies are very special and I had hoped to meet each and every one in our travels. Whee will miss you Agent Lettuce

  7. Thank you all very much for the kind words. I'm sure Dido was greeted by her sister, Irene, who probably peed at her (this was Irene's 'party trick').

    I spent much of the week moping around at work. My mum, who looked after Dido while I was at work, found the silence very odd.
