
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introducing Agents PorkChop and Smudge

Hello fellow pigs, we have been told about this website by our cousin, Agent Lettuce. We are a pair of 4 year old sows who live with our Mummy (the twin of Mopsy, slave of Dido). We don't like doing very much apart from being cuddled, destroying toys and screaming for spinach. You may call us Agent Porkchop (sister is chunky and Aunty Mopsy threatens to cook her) and Agent Smudge (I have a little black smudge over one nostril).
Onto guessing our names, my real name is inspired by one of my gorgeous features (let's face it, I am a stunning pig), namely my ears and is a colour.
Sister has a two word name, the first word is a rank in the armed forces (mummy was thinking of joining the army when we came to live with her). The second part of her name is a barnyard animal and part of the name of our species name English, Latin, French and German.

Thinking up clues is hard work so I'm going for a nap as demonstrated below by Porkchop.


  1. Oh Agent Porkchop, are you admiral Pinky? probably not the admiral from the description you give... Maybe just Pinky?

    We have no clue for your sister, i'm assuming she is capt. Pig, which agent lettuce talks about on twitter (

    ( and Agent valentino

  2. Yes!
    I, Agent Smudge (the beige, apricot and white pig) am Pinky, sometimes called Admiral Pinky. Sister, Agent Porkchop, with her little crest and snip, is Captain Pig.

    We do sometimes take over Agent Lettuce's twitter feed. Twitter is fun, we get to meet lots of pigs around the world.
